users - kernel-level user management API

        users (kernel.users in the environment provided to init(1)) is Monolith's user management API.  The version provided to init is largely a shell, and is later complemented by the userspace API users(3).  Note that the kernel-based users API does NOT resolve usernames to UIDs; for that, see users(3).

        kernel.users is not directly accessible from user programs.

        authenticate(uid:number, password:string): boolean[, string]
                Attempts to authenticate the current process as uid.  Returns true on success, false and an error message on failure.

        login(uid:number, password:string): boolean[, string]
                Attempts to login the current process as uid. Returns true on success, false and an error message on failure.

        uid(): number
                Returns the current UID.

        add(password:string[, cansudo:boolean]): number or nil, string
                Attempts to add a user, returning the new user's UID.  Only the root user can perform this function.

        del(uid:number): boolean or nil, string
                Attempts to delete user uid.  Only the root user can perform this function.

        sudo(func:function, uid:number, password:string): boolean, boolean, ... or nil, string
                Attempts to execute function func as user uid.  password should be the current user's password.

                On success, returns true and the first two results from pcall(func).

        All users functions are overwritten in userspace by the users(3) API.  This API is usually only relevant to kernel or init(1,5) development.

        Monolith Kernel Interfaces (c) 2020 Ocawesome101 under the GNU GPLv3.

        usermgr(1), users(3), init(1), init(5)