unicode - API for working with UTF-8 strings

        The unicode library provided by OpenComputers provides all functions of the string library, except UTF-8 aware.

        The following functions are provided to allow basic UTF-8 handling:

        char(value:number, ...): string
                UTF-8 aware version of string.char. The values may be in the full UTF-8 range, not just ASCII.
        charWidth(value:string, ...): number
                Returns the width of the first character given. For example, for シ it'll return 2, where a would return 1.
        isWide(value:string, ...): boolean
                Returns if the width of the first character given is greater than 1. For example, for シ it'll return true, where a would return false.
        len(value:string): number
                UTF-8 aware version of string.len. For example, for Ümläüt it'll return 6, where string.len would return 9.
        lower(value:string): string
                UTF-8 aware version of string.lower.
        reverse(value:string): string
                UTF-8 aware version of string.reverse. For example, for Ümläüt it'll return tüälmÜ, where string.reverse would return tälm.
        sub(value:string, i:number[, j:number]): string
                UTF-8 aware version of string.sub.
        upper(value:string): string
                UTF-8 aware version of string.upper.
        wlen(value:string): number
                Returns the width of the entire string.
        wtrunc(value:string, count: number): string
                Truncates the given string up to but not including count width. If there are not enough characters to match the wanted width, the function errors.

        In Lua 5.3, some UTF-8 facilities may be used through the global utf8 table.

        component(2), computer(2)