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  vt100 - Cynosure TTY's supported VT100 subset
  This manual page documents the Cynosure TTY's VT100 emulation featureset.  For general information on VT100 and the ISO 6429 standard, see ansi(7)
  All escape sequences begin with an ascii 0x1B, referred to hereafter as ESC.  Standard escape sequences (i.e. those supported by most other terminal emulators) are preceded with an ESC[.  Terminal-specific sequences (those only supported by the Cynosure TTY) are preceded by ESC?.
  Because all escape sequences require an escape character before them to have any effect, the escape character has been omitted from the below descriptions.  Unless otherwise noted, all numeric parameters are optional.
      Moves the cursor up N rows.  Scrolls as necessary.
      Moves the cursor down N rows.  Scrolls as necessary.
      Moves the cursor to the right N columns.  If the cursor moves off the screen it will automatically be moved to the beginning of the next line.
      Moves the cursor to the left N columns.  If the cursor moves off the screen, it will automatically wrap to the end of the previous line.
      Incompatible with other terminals.
      Performs certain GPU-accelerated functions, such as copying a region of the screen.  Only supports those functions which take only numeric parameters (e.g. copy() and fill(), but no set()).  The operation to perform is selected by the first parameter O.  Currently supported operations are:
        fill(), which functions as a "clear" and takes four parameters in the same order as the first four parameters of the gpu.fill() function;
        copy(), which takes six parameters and performs a gpu.copy() operation with them.
      Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line, offset by N characters.
      Sets the cursor position to (X, Y).
  Cynosure kernel copyright (c) 2021 Ocawesome101 under the DSLv2.
  Please report bugs at https://github.com/ocawesome101/oc-cynosure/issues.