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  tty - user TTY manipulation functions
  The tty API provides three functions useful in conjunction with the gpuproxy(3) API.  These allow the user to get the GPU associated with a TTY, or create or delete a virtual TTY from a provided GPU proxy.
  In the case of both delete and getgpu, the id argument corresponds to the TTY's sysfs ID;  for example, the TTY whose ID is 2 is located at /sys/dev/tty2.
  create(gpu:string or table[, screen: string]): table
    Creates a TTY object over the provided gpu and returns a file descriptor from the sysfs.
    Delete the TTY with the specified id, but only if it is user-created; system-created TTYs may not be removed in this way.
  getgpu(id:number): table
    Returns the GPU object associated with the specified TTY object.
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