ULOS Manual Pages - lsh(1) | Back
  lsh - the Lisp-ish Shell
  lsh is the ULOS default shell.  Its syntax mirrors a Lisp much more closely than the Bourne shell.
  At the core of lsh is the idea of substitution - that is, substituting the output of one program as the arguments of another.  This is accomplished like a Lisp, with
    a (b c d) e f g
  where the output of b will be split by line and inserted into program a's argument list.
  This principle is used to simplify lsh's prompt system - it reads the shell prompt from $PS1, with the default prompt being
    <(get USER)@(or (get HOSTNAME) localhost): (or (match (get PWD) "([^/]+)/?$") /)>
  String literals with spaces are supported between double quotes - otherwise, lsh will split tokens on whitespace.  Expressions inside () are evaluated first, recursively, with the output of each subcommand split by line and passed as an argument to the main command.  Enclosing a subcommand in square brackets ([]) will capture the exit status of the command rather than its output.
  Variable declaration is not done through any dedicated syntax, but rather with the get and set builtins.
    get KEY
    set KEY VALUE
  Comments are preceded by a hash-mark (#) and continue until the end of the line.
  lsh supports shebangs of up to 32 characters in the same style as the Bourne shell.
  ULOS Core Utilities copyright (c) 2021 Ocawesome101 under the DSLv2.
  Bugs should be reported at https://github.com/ocawesome101/oc-ulos/issues.