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  ls - list files

  ls [options] FILE ...

  For each FILE, ls lists all files under that FILE if it is a directory, and -d is not specified, or will list information about that file.  Listed files are sorted alphabetically.  If no FILE is specified, ls will list the current directory.

  Supported options are:
      Print one file per line.

      Show hidden files (files whose names are preceded with a .).

      If WHEN is "no", ls will not colorize its output;  if WHEN is "always", ls will print colored output even when the output device is not a terminal;  otherwise, ls will print colored output only if the output device is a terminal.

      List directories in the same way as files, rather than listing their contents.

      Use human-readable file sizes rather than displaying them as bytes.

      Display full file information (permissions, owner, size, last modification date) along with the filename, rather than just the filename.

  ULOS Core Utilities copyright (c) 2021 Ocawesome101 under the DSLv2.

  Bugs should be reported at https://github.com/ocawesome101/oc-ulos/issues.