sh - the default Monolith command interpreter


        sh is the default command interpreter for the Monolith system.  It supports a subset of features from the standard UNIX Bourne shell.

        sh currently supports:

            - Redirection to and from files through use of the >/>> and < operators respectively - a single > will overwrite or create a file, and >> will append to a file;

            - Pipes, in the same manner as the Bourne shell, in the form programA | programB, to redirect the output from programA to the input of programB;

            - Command separation with semicolons in the form programA; programB, which will run programA and programB independently of one another;

            - Variable declaration through the syntax VARIABLE=value, or through the set builtin with set VARIABLE=value;

            - Command aliases, declared through the alias builtin with the same syntax as set.

        All tokens excepting the semicolon (;) must be separated with a space in order to be properly interpreted.  Tokens containing spaces must be enclosed in single quotes (').

        As Lua is the native language of OpenComputers, easier to learn than shell scripting, and more powerful than shell scripting, the Monolith implementation of sh does not support scripting.

        The new, more advanced implementation of sh may be more buggy but supports more features.

        Monolith System Utilities copyright (c) 2020 Ocawesome101 under the GNU GPLv3.

        lua(1), lua(5)