filesystem - interface to all mounted filesystems

        All files accessible in a Unix-like system are arranged in one big tree, the file hierarchy, rooted at /.  These files can be spread out over several devices.  The mount(1) command serves to attach the filesystem found at some address to the big file tree.  Conversely, the umount(1) command will detach it again.  The filesystem is used to control how data is stored on the device.  This library allows an abstracted interface on top of this file tree.  This is not to be confused with the filesystem component; for this, see the result of cdoc filesystem in the shell.

        All methods not specifically defined here function identically to calling the same method on a filesystem component proxy.

        name(path:string): string
            Returns the file name component of the provided path.

        path(path:string): string
            Returns exactly the inverse of; This means that filesystem.path("/bin/ls.lua") .. "/" .."/bin/ls.lua") is equal to "/bin/ls.lua".

        list(path:string): table or nil, string
            Returns a list of files under the directory at path.  The list may be used as an iterator.

        open(path:string[, mode:string]): table or nil, string
            Returns a non-buffered stream to the file at the specified path.  The methods read, write, and seek are available and function similarly to their buffered counterparts; however, fileStream:read and fileStream:write each take a single argument, and fileStream:read accepts the string argument "a" to read all unread data from the file.  It is recommended to use the io(3) library for file IO wherever possible.

        canonical(path:string): string
            Returns the canonicalized form of the specified path.

        concat(path1:string, path2:string[, ...]): string
            Returns the canonicalized, concatenated form of all provided paths, e.g. fs.concat("/lib/..", "bin", "ls.lua") returns "/bin/ls.lua".

        mount(fsp:string or table, path:string[, ro:boolean]): boolean
            Mounts the specified filesystem fsp at the specified path.  If fsp is a string, will attempt to component.proxy fsp.  If ro is true, mounts the filesystem as read-only whether the filesystem component is read-only or not.

        mounts(): table
            Returns a table of current mounts, with the key-value arrangement [path] = address.

        umount(path:string): boolean or nil, string
            Unmounts the filesystem mounted at the specified path.

        get(path:string): table
            Returns the component proxy of the filesystem mounted at the specified path.

        The behavior of filesystem.list and fileStream:read deviates slightly from the OpenOS implementations.  The OpenOS API documentation may be found at
        filesystem.copy and filesystem.rename cannot operate on directories.  For a recursive copy function, see cp.copy(3).

        Monolith Kernel Interfaces (c) 2020 Ocawesome101 under the GNU GPLv3.

        cdoc(1), mount(1), umount(1), component(2), cp.copy(3)