event - library for handling events

        The event API provides facilities for registering event listeners in a simpler manner than spawning an equivalent thread.  This API is taken from OpenOS 1.7.5.

        register([key:string], callback:function[, interval:number][, times:number]): number
            Registers a new event listener or timer with the specified parameters.  It is generally recommended to use a more specific function such as event.listen or event.timer instead.  This function does not check its arguments.

        listen(name:string, callback:function): number
            Registers an event listener for the event matching the provided name.  callback will be called on every occurrence of the event.

        pull([...]): ...
            Pulls an event.  If the first argument is a number, it will be interpreted as the timeout.  All other arguments will be interpreted as an event filter, i.e. only an exactly matching event will be returned.

            Analogous to computer.pushSignal.  See computer(2).

        Documentation for some internal functions such as event.pullMultiple has been omitted.

        timer(interval:number, callback:function[, times:number or nil]): number
            Registers a timer, optionally called only the provided number of times.  The provided callback argument is the function to be called.

        cancel(timerId:number): boolean
            Attempts to cancel the timer registered with the ID timerId.  Can also be called with the ID returned from event.listen or event.register.

        ignore(name:string, callback:function): boolean
            Attempts to remove the event listener matching the provided name and callback.

            Error handler function for the event library.  By default, logs to /tmp/event.log.

        Official documentation for the event library is at

        event is copyright (c) circa 2015 Sangar, Payonel as part of OpenOS.
