computer - mod-provided API for interfacing with the computer directly

        The computer API is provided by the OpenComputers Minecraft mod to all software running within.  This manual page attempts to properly document the available methods in the event that the OpenComputers wiki ( should be taken down, crash, or otherwise become inaccessible; it is also intended as part of the motion to document every aspect of the Monolith system.

        address(): string
                Returns the component address of the computer.

        tmpAddress(): string
                Returns the component address of the computer's tmpfs(5), if it exists.
        freeMemory(): number
                Returns the amount of free memory, in bytes.  If this number gets close to 0, your computer will likely soon crash.  Note that for Monolith, a minimum of 256KB of memory is necessary to boot.

        totalMemory(): number
                Returns the total installed memory, in bytes.

        energy(): number
                Returns the current amount of energy stored in the computer's network.

        maxEnergy(): number
                Returns the maximum amount of energy the computer's network can hold.

        uptime(): number
                Returns the computer's real uptime in seconds.  Accurate to 0.05s, or one Minecraft tick.

                Shuts down the computer.  If reboot is true, restarts the computer instead.

        getBootAddress(): string
                Returns the address of the computer's boot filesystem.  Somewhat deprecated, provided by the BIOS, and may not always be present.  Direct wrapper around eeprom.setData.
                Sets the filesystem address from which the computer will attempt to boot.  If called with nil or no arguments, clears the value.
        users(): string ...
                Returns all users currently registered with the computer as a tuple.  You may wish to wrap this function in table.pack.

                For details on user access, see USERS below.
        addUser(name:string): boolean or nil, string
                Registers the user name with the computer.  Returns true on success, nil and an error message on failure.  Only online users may be registered, to avoid locking oneself out by mistyping a name.
        removeUser(name:string): boolean
                Unregisters the user name from the computer.  Returns true on success, false on failure (i.e., the user was not registered).  If no users are registered, any user may use a computer.
        pushSignal(name:string[, ...])
                Pushes a signal with name name, and any other specified elements,  to the signal queue.

        pullSignal([timeout:number]): name, ... or nil
                Pulls a signal from the queue.  If timeout is specified, will only wait timeout seconds before returning nil if no signal is present.

                For more details on signals, see SIGNALS below.
        beep([frequency:string or number[, duration:number]])
                Emits a beep at frequency Hz for duration seconds.  If frequency is a string, interprets the '.' character as a short beep and a '-' character as a long beep.
        getDeviceInfo(): table
                Returns a table of information about installed components, such that devInfo["componentAddress"] will have the fields description, product, class, vendor, and possibly any of capacity, size, clock, width, or height.

                This feature is heavily utilized in lshw(1) and getty(1).  Monolith terminals will not work properly without it.

        In addition to the facilities that Monolith provides, OpenComputers provides its own, and arguably better, method of completely locking users out from a computer.

        If no users are registered with a computer, any user may use the computer.  Otherwise, only registered users may break the computer (robots are exempt, to prevent griefing), change the computer's inventory, or provide input.

        Signals are OpenComputers's method of conveying user input to the operating system.  They are processed in a FIFO (first in, first out) order.  Only strings, numbers, nils, and booleans are supported (tables are supported also, but they must be made up only of the other supported types).  functions and threads are not supported.

        The signal queue is, by default, a maximum of 256 signals deep, but this can be changed in the mod's configuration.

        computer.getDeviceInfo may not work or return incomplete information on some emulators.

        component(2), unicode(2)